Friday 28 November 2008

Dark Angels: Ravenwing Landspeeder Done

Hello all, just a quick update to day to show you all my finished Ravenwing Landspeeder. I took a bit more time on this model than I did with the bikes and I'm much happier with it. Using Codex Grey as the main highlight worked better than Shadow Grey (used on the bikes). I think it gives a more 'metallic' feel. There are a few more pics below, do let us know what you think. 

Next up on the painting table, more Terminators. I'm getting ever closer to having the first 1500pts done, I really can't wait. The Tale of Painters timescale should have me finished by February. Then, finally, I can get some proper games in...

And finally, a bit of fun I had in photoshop, it had to be done really...

Thanks for looking!


  1. Nice job, I love the clean highlights.

  2. Excellent, can't wait to see some more.

  3. Now this fella looks awesome. The new highlights work very well with the black, and you're right, it definately gives a more metallic feel than Shadow Grey would. Really nicely painted, and I like the use of the ribbons to give a bit of contrast to the deep black of the Ravenwing we have all come to love.

  4. Love it, I still have 2 speeders to do and this makes me want to do well.

  5. Thanks everyone, I'm glad people agree about the highlights, its made me much happier about my Ravenwing.

    I'm planning on add a wash to the Boltgun Metal around the front, following some advice on Librarium Online. The guys there pointed out that it looks a little 'flat', so I may add that to this post when it's done.

    Gamers World - I'm especially chuffed to be motivating other games, I hope you speeders go well!
