Well, after months of procrastinating I can proudly present Belial; Master of the Deathwing:
First off, I am really please at how this model turned out!
As most of you know there is no existing model for Belial, Master of the Deathwing. Most make do with the standard Terminator Captain model but, as an old model, its significantly shorter than the Terminator plastics. To be honest I can't really see the Master of the Deathwing being a tad on the short side...
I dreamt up this conversion ages ago - when I got a free AoBR captain (in fact I hinted at wanting to use it in a
post last September), which forms Belail's body. The real steal of this project came after seeing 73rd's stunning
Dark Angels Company Master, which used the cherub/cloak from St. Celestine. 73rd kindly allowed me to nick the idea, saving me having to attempt to sculpt a cloak from Green Stuff; something I doubt would have gone well!
I also Green Stuff a small mound on the base, giving him extra hight over the terminators he leads.
As for the painting, I'm really pleased with how the Cherubs turned out (I used the method for painting Elf Flesh from the newest White Dwarf), and Belial is also the first of my Deathwing with bone highlights. The banner was done by painting the bone band, applying transfers and then painting red over them. The model does risk looking a bit 'busy', but that's how I think Space Marine heroes should look - pretty much weighed down by trinkets, banners and symbols of authority. Leave the subtle approach to the Guard!
Anyway, any comments or criticisms are welcomed. I'll leave you with a piccy of my favourite cherub. Perhaps I should name him. Any suggestions?