Sunday 26 April 2009

Deathwing Banner: Complete!

Hey again people, I have an update I've been waiting to do for quite a long time! I can now present my completed Deathwing Standard Bearer:  

The banner itself is simply a home-made transfer. However, once I applied it, some of the damned ink began to seep (especially all that red). So, in order to save it I had to go over the green parts with paint. I also had to repaint all the white as it looked pink! That involved doing the fiddly wings and white border and I was very impressed that I managed to stay in the lines, they are bloody thin.  

I've also tried to take down some of the shine with a coat of purity seal - its improved but still not as matt as I'd like. Honestly the banner is not quite as good as I'd hoped it might be, but I'm still very pleased with it. Although its a bit of a cheat, its far better than I could of done freehand! And I'm almost glad the ink ran - the fact that I had to touch up areas means at least I've painted some it :P  

So I'm now happy to give you all a complete, up to date shot of everything I have completed: Thats 1750pts of DA. It's taken me about 9 months to do this lot! Theres only 1250pts left to do, almost there...  

I'll leave you with a better photo of my Interrogator Chaplain (as I really wasn't happy with the previous pics) & the first completed D'Wing of my 3rd Squad. 

Thanks for reading!

(Larger pics can be found here)


  1. .................................................................................

    I Hate your awesome skill! Nice work Yet again mate, isn't their something you can't do to give us all some hope off achieving your lvl.

    Great Army and It will be a stunner on the tables at the tournament!

    Cheers CJ

  2. That's just simply fantastic: the whole bloomin' lot of them.

    Well done you!

  3. great looking models and very tidy basing too
    Craig @ cadian8th

  4. The banner looks really good and I still love the chaplain. :)

  5. Not much I can say other than: awesome work!!

  6. Love the banner and the Chaplain.

  7. cheat! lol
    I had to hand paint mine

  8. well done, and good job touching up the seeping transfer. :)

  9. You are definately an inspiration for us DA players! Great stuff mate, they all look so amazing together too - really brilliant looking force. I'm only just making my way to my first 1000 points painted...

  10. As usual my arrival sees the end of all comments... It's a curse!

  11. Its not a curse as all mate - its just saving the best till last.

    Oh no, wait, that might alienate everybody else. Urm. All comments are equal, but Dark Angels comments are more equal that others... Hmm, no, thats been done before...

    Either way, thanks to everyone for their kind words!
