Sunday 20 September 2009

Dark Angels Updates: Tactical Squad 3

Its a bit behind schedule, but here are the last set of photos of the Dark Angels I completed during my brief hiatus from blogging. They are nothing too special, just a Tactical Squad and a Rhino.

I was pleased at how this unit came out, some of the high points being the Rhino, the Sergeants Power Weapon and the Plasma Cannon. They aren't quite finished yet, as I need to get round to adding squad numbers onto the shoulder pads.

Yet again I have to say sorry for the picture quality. Once I actually get some form of job a camera will be bought dammit!

This last addition sees me done with painting Dark Angels for the foreseeable future. Left unpainted in my collection I have a standard Land Raider, the Land Raider Ares and a Forge World Ven. Dread. I also want to get Azrael, and paint him up really well but, at the moment, its full steam ahead with painting guard!

Thank for visiting!


  1. Just wanted to say the rhino looks really good. I think the squad does too but, like you said, the camera quality makes it hard to tell. Keep painting, and let us see how the guard is coming along!

  2. Nice work on these guys, they look really cleanly painted.

    Good job.

  3. Very nice job here, I'm jealous! Seriously though, your highlights, details, and the rest look fantastic. I like the look of the brown robes instead of bone colored too. As a fellow Dark Angel, I've gotta say these are most inspiring...

  4. Looking good, I love the power sword. Aesthetically, of course; game-wise, it's not something my necrons want to see =P Don't think I've seen the one with the old shoulder pad before - maybe my attention's just been diverted elsewhere at the time *cough*terminators*cough* ;)

  5. That Rhino is sweet. Good job.

  6. Thanks alot guys, I appreciate all the comments :)
