Monday 1 February 2010

Marauder Destroyer - Built!!

Well then, here is something I have been meaning to post for quite a while! After buying it at the beginning of 2008 I have finally managed to get this monstrosity constructed and I'm very excited indeed!

Now, to be clear from the start, I did not construct this myself. Unlike that brave fellow at The Inner Geek I dont really have the experience or skills to attempt something like this yet. So, knowing I would get a good job I surrendered it to my good friend Jay at Dark Eye Studios. Based in Bristol, UK, this one man shop is a fantastic commission painter and builder and if you want a good job done, consider giving him an email! Anyway, plug over. Back to the big freaking plane...

First off, some shots of the beast itself:

I just love this little shrine in the cockpit, very fluffy indeed!

A couple of bits I want to draw attention to, mainly to show the great work Dark Eye Studios can do. One of my main complaints about the Marauder is its landing gear, which stick out during flight, giving the whole plane the feel of a lander, as opposed to a fighter/bomber.

So, to get round this sticky problem, Jay magnetised the whole malarkey and make up some flush landing pads from plaster card, complete with tread on the bottom! Awesome! As for the wood block, that was to add stability to the interior of the model, giving it a healthy weight and some strength. Not that I intend to drop it.

The world might end if I did...

As good as the landing gear is, the real master stroke of Jays work is below. That right, what every good model plane needs! A flying stand!

Make of a steel rod, its just over 12'' tall, and has really made the Marauder into something special! It also has me itching for my next apoc game. The really good thing is that I have two of the wooden bases, that lift off over the flying stand. This means I can make one display base and one more practical gaming base. Good times!

Thank for reading.

The Emperor really wants you to die...


  1. That is absolutely mint. Nice little touches from Dark Eye Studios that'll make the model stand out even more - not that it wont stand out anyway!

    Really looking forward to seeing this one painted.

    - Courtney @ Cadian 127th

  2. This is going to be awesome - can't wait to see you paint it up.


  3. I like the wood block idea, I've never seen that done before. It's going to look sweet once it's painted up.

    Keep us posted.

  4. Most impressive!
    May I ask what kind of grass mat you have beneath the beast?

  5. An eye for the small details I see in Kasper! Its the GW battle-mat mate. Probably the most cost effective way of dramatically improving the look of your games!

  6. So that is the GW Mat - heard they were recalled due to being prone to tearing etc, but the one you have looks to be in excellent condition - did you experience any problems with it so far?

  7. Not at all, I love it to bits. I've had it for over a year now and, barring the odd curry stain (in game rations you understand) its perfect. I believe they are on the website still, and I know my local GW has one in.

    I would recommend them, for £18 its a really cost effective and simple way of improving the feel of your games :)

  8. Nice looking Marauder Destroyer indeed! Why are you not on my blog roll??? I'll fix that right away!

    Also, you didn't mention, but did you leave the tail fins off on purpose? I had considered magnetizing them, but decided to just glue them on instead.

    Can't wait to see paint on this. Any ideas on what colors it may be?

  9. Hmm, I might have to try and find one of those mats - I was put off by the Terrainguy's heavy shipping charges (50-60$) although his mats are perfect.

  10. @ Inner Geek: Why thank you very much :)

    I actually forgot about the fins! They have been left off to make painting the rear of the plane a little easier.

    Funny story with the fins, when the model was being assembled Jay discovered actually had two left fins, not one of each. Forge World, to their credit, sent me out a sent of new fins, free of charge, over a year after purchase. Very impressive!

    As for colour schemes, I'm debating it. I was originally going to go gray, as in the Forgeworld masterclass book. But I want to look distinct from my IG tanks, which are also gray. So, for now, its a work in progress!

    Good luck with your Marauder, I wish I had you building skills...
