Tuesday 23 March 2010

Fortress of Redemption WiP (and some light comedy)

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I been working on a house for my Dark Angels, namely the new Fortress of Redemption kit. Allow me to show you the progress I have made...

First off, the all important scale shot, with a crazy priest for flavour.

So as you can see, I have been working on the central walkway and the tower. The walkway is pretty much done:

Just some simple dry-brushing and washes for the green steel on the walkway, and same again for the grey walls and bone panels. It's not going to win any prizes, but at least its getting done!

On to the central tower, and after several hours work I have all four of the angels base-coated, washed and dry-brushed as well as the grey of the tower done. I have also got the skull pile on one done and the halo on another finished.

Well, that my progress so far, and I think it's shaping up nicely. Please let me know what you all think.

Before I leave you, I want to point out the sheer amount of skulls on this thing. I know the Imperium rather likes the liberal application of skulls to everything, but this building must have been designed by some Gothic master on overdrive. Indeed, the appearance of skulls all over the Imperial Guard and Astartes always makes me think of the sketch below. Enjoy...


  1. That's a nice looking fortress! Also, I love the 'are we the bad guys' sketch - lol

  2. Really liking the fortress! It's an enormous piece of terrain - I have one looming on the painting desk m'self but I'm unsure how I want to approach it. I really like what you've done with the wall sections, and may have to do something along those lines. Can't wait to see more!

  3. I like the FoR, but I have a hard time taking it seriously since it is so over-the-top with the iconography. Still, yours looks cracking. I'd love to see it when it's finished.

    BTW, loved the video clip. I LOLed.

  4. Great work so far. I keep getting tempted by this piece but if I buy it I will have to actually do work on my space marine army hahaha

  5. I like the reference to 'several' hours work. I think I know what you mean. Serves you right for picking a HQ decorated by Kharn ;)

    btw. You have (real) mail. Please let me know if it arrives.

  6. It looks great so far. keep it up!

  7. Looks great. The stone of the angel is just fantastic.

  8. Thanks guys, you are all very kind as usual!

    @Mordian 7th - If you want to do the walls the same, I'm largely using the painting guide that was in White Dwarf. Word of warning, ignore their method for painting the angels, its rubbish!

    Zzzzzz: Ahhh, so your the person with the good sense to be buying my Eldar. I couldn't work out from the emails if you were a blogger or not. I'm much happier knowing they will be going to a good home. I'll let you know when the post turns up.
