Thursday 14 August 2008

Dark Angels: First Tac. Marine

Despite that fact the first Termi squad is nearing completion, I couldn't resist painting my first Dark Angels tactical marine after picking up some new paints at a GW.

In line with my drive to try out techniques I've attempted my first serious highlight and also used a wash for the first time. The results are really pretty pleasing:

My method largely followed that on the GW website. A Black undercoat was followed by a few layers of Dark Angels Green. This was highlighted with Snot Green and finally a Thraka Green wash was applied. I've got to be honest, I'm not sure if the wash made much difference, but it is a new technique under the belt. I used Astronomican Grey on the should pad and helmet insignia and used Bleached Bone over Calthan Brown for the chest eagle - the same method I use for my Deathwing.

I'm really pleased with how this marine came out, I think he definitely counts as table top quality. It also means I'm motivated to go back and properly highlight the Deathwing when they are done, which is no bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Very nice indeed.

    Trouble is, now you've set the "standard" for the rest of the squad. Just kidding, great work.
