Thursday 14 August 2008

1500pts Saim-Hann Army List (The Serpent List)

This list attempts to modify my old Saim-Hann army list into something more 5th Ed. friendly. It drops the Shinning Spears, that I found less than effective on the whole, and adds more Dire Avengers, that I found were very effective. It also works on the basis that Wave Serpents, with their strength reducing Wave Fields, are now a lot more survivable than Falcons with their Holofields. Do people out there agree?

This list also gives me a minium amount to paint to get it up and going e.g. two Grav Tanks (which I enjoy painting) and about 5 or 6 infantry.

Anyway, I present the Serpent List:

Farseer 193pts
Jetbike, Singing Spear, Spirit Stones, Runes of Witnessing, Mind War, Doom & Fortune

Fire Dragons 108pts
5 Dragons & 1 Exarch – Dragon’s Breath Flamer

Fire Dragon Wave Serpent 145pts
Twin-Linked Star Cannons, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

Guardian Jetbike Squadron 1 129pts
3 Jetbikes; 1 Shuriken Cannons
1 Warlock on Jetbike (Embolden Singing Spear)

Guardian Jetbike Squadron 2 129pts
3 Jetbikes; 1 Shuriken Cannons
1 Warlock on Jetbike (Embolden Singing Spear)

Guardian Jetbike Squadron 3 76pts
3 Jetbikes; 1 Shuriken Cannons
*This squad will escort the Farseer

Dire Avenger Squad 1 177pts
9 Dire Avengers & 1 Exarch – Power Weapon & Shimmershield (Bladestorm & Defend)

Dire Avenger Wave Serpent 145pts
Twin-Linked Star Cannons, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

Dire Avenger Squad 2 92pts
5 Dire Avengers1 Exarch – Dual Shuriken Catapults (Bladestorm)

Dire Avenger Wave Serpent 155pts
Twin-Linked Bright Lances, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

Fast Attack
1 Vyper 75pts
1 Shuriken Cannon, 1 Eldar Missile Launcher

1 Vyper 75pts
1 Shuriken Cannon, 1 Eldar Missile Launcher

So there you have it, 5 fast scoring units, 3 Grav Tanks and some harassment units.

As with the Dark Angels list, I have a few tactical ideas knocking about for these guys, but I’m interested to hear any other thoughts first.


  1. I can't speak to the effectiveness of the list but I do like that tank. Nicely done.

  2. Thank you for that Ron! Time and Dark Angels permitting I should be doing a few more soon, I've got 4 unpainted Grav Tanks sitting here, and something much larger on the way...

  3. Some ideas to give you the most fun = crushing your opponent in 5th with Saim-Hann.

    Roll your jetbike squad into one large unit. This give you less chance of a leadership test when you take some losses and allows your farseer to better enhance your group. Warlock goes with the jetbikes with conceal for the 5+ cover save if you get caught out in the open. Farseer joins the jetbikes guiding/dooming and fortune the unit for 3+/5+ save re-roll- pretty nasty.

    As for the vypers I would keep the shuriken cannons on the turret and take cannons on the vyper body also. I played around with EML's and I like the template and pinning idea but it is one one shot and your farseer has better things to guide. Run the vypers with your grav tanks as supprot fire vehicles and they will pump out 6 S 6 shots each- great for popping light tanks so your D. avengers can get out and light up the now exposed troops. I run star cannons on my vypers only b/c in the club I play at it is like 90% marines and catching marines out in the open with 8 star cannons shots guided is nasty. I do have shuriken cannons on the base of my vypers. Other then that looks like a good start to a solid list.

    Forget hunting the fallen, and start rolling with the wild-riders!

  4. Thank you for those interesting ideas Fritz - I certainly take your point about the Shuricannons on the Vypers, it looks like they will be staying.

    I also follow your logic on larger jetbike squads. I have resisted the idea in the past but I'm coming round to it now. My only question to you would be, is an army with only three troop choices truly viable? Lets face it, our units are hardly durable, and I worry about them holding objectives. Does the speed of the Saim-Hann counterbalance this?

    Also, would you propose a 9 man jetbike squad or a 6 man one? I could drop and a 6 jetbike squad and save 76pts, but its not as fluffy as I would like...

    Any further advice you have is greatly appreciated!
