Hello guys, I pleased to say I've finally finished the awesome Fortress of Redemption kit. Well, mostly. As the alert amongst you will notice, the lascannon battery is absent. Unfortunately my desire to see the fortress put in my local GW's cabinet saw me cutting some corners! Still, here she is:

Sorry for the flash on some of the photos, kinda wiped out some of the detail. Still I'm really pleased with how its turned out. It takes an awful lot of effort to get a model of this scale done, I think I've put in about 15/20hrs into this thing. I've not tried to do much special, otherwise I would have been painting forever!
The Missile Silo is a great piece of detail, and the cover has either the Dark Angels logo or an Aquila on the reverse. Mine is more bleached bone that white, but again the flash has done is mischief!

I painted the rockets in a straightforward way, but hopefully they look nice and effective! Below are some details of the tower and door and such.
The tower Angels were really simply done. Dheneb Stone base coat, followed by a heavy Bleached Bone drybrush. Next I added a ton of Gryphonne Sepia wash, and finally another Bleached Bone drybrush. Job done!
The bastions have got some great detail on them, and are really fun to paint. The statue insets are taller than a marine!
Finally a picture of some heroic marines manning the defences. This is what its all about, some great models on lovely terrain. Makes all the effort worthwhile!
So guys, please let me know what you think! Any comments and criticisms are welcome...