Doesn't that last photo just look cool! Though I can't believe I missed the time stamp. And, while we are looking at it, how horrifically out of date is it... *goes to fiddle with camera*...
You can also see below a picture of my whole Deathwing collection, a feat that has taken god knows how many hours to achieve. Apologies for the rubbish pic, I really must build a light box!
You can also see below a picture of my whole Deathwing collection, a feat that has taken god knows how many hours to achieve. Apologies for the rubbish pic, I really must build a light box!
Next up, when I get a bit more time to post, will be my new Tactical Squad, Rhino and the painted objective markers.
It's a sad thing to see you finish up on the deathwing I've greatly enjoyed watching you progress with the army over the last year. one thing I would like to ask you and I know it's a bit over the top but why don't you paint 1 Venerable Deathwing dreadnought. I personally think that's one of the Coolest models and paint scheme in 40K.
But non the less a beautiful army that has been treating you very well it seems ;)
Cheers CJ
Oh CJ, you and your wonderful ideas! I do actually HAVE a forge world DA Ven. Dread. And dear god it an superb model!
BUT - I really need to focus on getting my IG rolling, especially with 2 ToP challenges on the go...
I have 2 Land Raiders and that Dread left to do for my DA. I'm planning on leaving them as treats, for when I'm sick of the sight of guardsmen!
Fantastic! We Love Deathwing!
hahaha you know what they say; "great minds think alike".
But I can see that those models will be a nice change from the Swarm of Imperial Guard you will be painting over the next months. So I guess I will be looking forward to you getting sick of IG ;). Also I got to ask are you going to do one of the Landraiders as a Full Deathwing raider (bone)? I think it would be a lovely way to mark Belails landraider. All though it would be a pain to pain I guess.
Cheers CJ
These look great! Three squads huh, I'm jealous...
Wow, amazing work! Really inspiring stuff as I'm currently working on 5 termies for the TOEMP challenge. I'll definitely be using your termies as source material.
Very nice, very clean. I like them.
I really enjoyed seeing how you painted and designed the models. Thanks!
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